Özgür irade nedir ne anlamalıyız - Ra an

Ra’An:  We greet you in the Love Light of The One Infinite Creator. We are delighted to be with you this day in September,the tenth of September, 2012. We take a moment and we come within the vicinity of each and every person on this call and each and every person on the internet line, each and every person in the future who will read a transcript. We take a moment and we look at the topic of free will. We see that there are certain things that bear upon each and every one of your free will.
One of them is discernment, looking at all the situations, all of the parameters, all of the factors and seeing within the third density realm which things will provide an avenue for success.
Consensus reality is another thing that one can look at to help discern what you will need to do to bring your actions to a positive outcome.
There are other things that one can take into account when looking at free will and free will choice. One can use intuition, the sense of premonition, to see if there is some unfoldment of information, of events one hasn’t been taken into consideration that is beyond one’s direct sense. One can use this extension of perception to look further into possibilities of how to achieve positive outcome. One can look to the configurations of the moon and the stars to see if there will be untoward influences that may affect them in their pursuit of a certain venture at a certain time. One can look to the weather. Give us a moment.
Do you have questions?

Wynn:  When you say the word “free will” could you give us your definition?

Ra’An:  One is free to choose a course of action or a particular thing, a task.  One is free to set one’s goals; one is free to set up what one wishes to accomplish and achieve. One is free to take particular actions, as they move through their day, within certain parameters. They’re operating in the third density, so they need to take the specific laws at that time in the third density into account.
In other words, they generally cannot jump off the roof and expect to fly.  Within the framework of where they are located, the realm that they are in, then they have those laws to consider. If they were going to jump off the roof and fly, they would need to take that into account that they would need a device or some means to support them in the air. This is one level, one—we look for the word—realm where within that particular realm there are certain conditions that one runs into.
In other realms, for instance, in the angelic realm, one may have wings and can certainly fly. One needs to take into account their abilities to transcend the third density and their gifts also, when they are taking into account how they can move through their day and they can accomplish their actions.
What one believes has a great deal to do with their success. If one has a certain belief that has been skewed by some intent or some decision about an event, or some belief about survival within the third density, they have a certain belief and they have really taken that to heart, then they are fortifying that belief with certain vibrations. They are operating within a harmonic matrix structure, so they are vibrating at certain frequencies based upon their belief system.
If, for instance, they believe that they are not worthy then that string, that resonance, that harmonic, that ability to put forth the resonance that will bring love to you, is not vibrating. You’re not vibrating it; you are not allowing it to vibrate. You are damping that frequency. So your life, then, will reflect that. This is one of the ways that you have free will.
Some of the things have become unconscious and you do not know that you have set it up that way. You are strumming your matrix to exclude the things, some of the things, which you could use to achieve your goals that you really have and to survive.
This is traced back to a belief that you have that has caused you to dampen one of the frequencies that is available to you to bring you, through resonance, the things that will satisfy and fulfill you, in this case in the area of love and connection and fulfillment with others and with even the higher realms.
When one can observe one’s patterns and one can then see the distortion— and usually these things are so ingrained that it is a part of one’s matrix and one does not see and they get certain symptoms, like, “I’m not getting the love I need” or “Something is missing in my life.”—When they can observe, starting from the symptom “Something is needed here”, then they can begin to observe and see where their matrix pattern has some kind of a distortion or a belief,
For instance the belief that “I’m not worthy of love” or something [similar] that can dampen the vibration, that [could] then shine out and get resonance with another being, and [the dampening of that vibration] can shut down that aspect of person’s life. What the person believes is very important towards them getting the free will connections and goals fulfilled that they wish.
As an individual moves through their life, they do not generally realize that the vibrations, certain vibrations, certain ideas that they have, dampen certain vibrations and create a distortion in their field. So they do not get connected in the way that they wish. So unclogging their field, opening themselves up,realizing any distortions and beliefs and working on them, can really help towards the person coming to fulfillment of their own free will choices and goals and can increase their own free will choices.

Wynn:  You know, “I am not worthy” is probably one of the major things that a huge amount of people have. In many cases, they have that, not even because of themselves, but because of their parents or because of the control patterns in society where they’re watching television. They think to be worthy they have to look like that sexy woman on TV, or they need to have certain possessions to impress people to make them be worthy. Until they have those things, they think they’re not worthy.
When  they’re thinking that, or when that’s like a background programming, even when they’re not aware of it, it’s like sending a signal from their own transmitter out to the Universe that “I’m not worthy.” So every time something comes into their life that would look like an opportunity, they’re sending this signal out unconsciously and that thing responds to them and passes. When people say “I want a relationship; I want to connect with the Elohim and Ra; I want this” and underlying, they’re saying “I’m not worthy”, they’re blocking the whole process.
Am I right when I say that?

Ra’An:  That is correct. They’re vibrating at a vibration that carries the information “I’m not worthy”; then, that is what radiates out into their sphere. That is what they get in return, although this is not conscious on most people’s part. It is sort of an underlying program that is running.

Wynn:  The question is: Let’s suppose somebody looks at themselves and they say “Okay, I think Wynn, Terry and our Sources are correct and I’m putting that out.” What do they do then? How do they fix it? How do they change it?

Ra’An:  They can begin, during the day, to look at their good ‘plus points’.  They could even write them down, their good ‘plus points’’; what are they good at? Are they good at cooking a good meal? Are they good at telling a joke? Are they good at communicating with their children? Are they good at communicating with their friends, with their husband? 

How can they increase the communication? Ask before they go to sleep, to send them dreams on how they can work in their dreams on the inner workings of their own self, to increase their own self-worth, to show them how they are worthy, how they are beautiful beings, how they radiate light, how they have warmth, how they have nurturing, how they care, how they are good secretaries. There are things where they are good.

One might be good at debate, one might be very good communicating with others, one might be good at making clothes. They can give themselves credit for whatever they are good at; for drawing, for even doodling and making little caricatures. They can give themselves credit for different things that they feel good about themselves and take a look where they feel good about themselves.
When they look at the TV and they see that beautiful blond and they think “I’d be great if I looked like that”; they can look back at themselves and see their good characteristics within their own self. It might not be a body characteristic, but it might a fun-loving characteristic, how somebody brightens up when they’re around them and telling jokes and even just listening to the other person.
To observe, to see where these are areas are where they don’t feel that they’re optimum, and to even trace it back to when they were a kid and something that somebody said to them when they were a kid, they didn’t carry the tray right or they didn’t walk right or they didn’t hold their fork right and then, say, “Well, you know what? Those are all minor things” and see how they fared well in spite of that. And, see how it affected their view of themselves.


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