Manyetikleri okumak - Zetas

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Since 2009, the magnetic influence of Planet X on Earth's magnetosphere has been consistently documented, illustrating the lineal increase of magnetospheric anomalies that can only be explained by the steady approach of a powerful magnetic presence in the inner solar system.

Magnetic twist and severe compressions occur when the magnetic fields of Earth and Planet X temporarily form an end-to-end alignment, where the magnetons flowing out from Earth's magnetic poles cannot return to Earth because they are subsumed by the larger magnetic field of Planet X.
Severe compression of Earth's magnetosphere began occurring in 2009, with only 5 incidents between May 2010 and April 2011.  These anomalies are now happening on almost a daily basis, often multiple times within a 24-hour period.
ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble
ZetaTalk: Magnetic Twist
Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects
Real Time Magnetosphere Data – Reading Between the Lines

"Particles, flowing from the Sun and coming around behind Planet X, tumble into the void in front of Planet X and roil. This tumbling action keeps the Earth and the other planets caught in the eddy flow from leaving this trap. That an eddy flow of magnetons has formed behind the Earth, for the first time, shows that the blast coming from Planet X is stronger, covering a vast area around the Earth, so these magnetons have no escape!"  ZetaTalk: November 27, 2010

Since that first minor eddy was observed within Earth's magnetosphere in November 2010, magnetospheric turbulence has increased in severity and regularity.  Once again, what was a rare magnetospheric anomaly has become a frequent occurrence.
Magnetospheric Turbulence
"The Earth’s magnetic field is regularly deformed by the Solar Wind coming from the Sun, from the right. But what would deform the Sun’s magnetic field? We have described the time of the Pole Shift as one during which Planet X could so supplant the Sun’s magnetic influence on the Earth that Planet X, aka Nibiru, is the only voice the Earth hears. At present it is trying to listen to both, primarily to the Sun, but during the daily wobble, also giving credence to Planet X." ZetaTalk: August 10, 2013

Since a deformed IMF was first observed on BATSRUS in 2013, this too, has become an ever-increasing phenomenon occurring in front of Earth's bowshock - more compelling evidence of a powerful magnetic presence within the inner solar system other than the Sun.
BATRUS bowshock

Below is a summary of these magnetospheric anomalies since the beginning of March 2014.  Note the distinct increase in each phenomena as the month progresses into early April.

MARCH 1st - Severe compression

MARCH 2nd - Deformed IMF

MARCH 4th - Magnetic twist, severe compression

MARCH 7th - Deformed IMF

MARCH 13th - Severe compression

MARCH 14th - Severe compression

MARCH 15th - Severe compression

MARCH 16th - Deformed IMF

MARCH 18th - Two severe compressions, magnetic twist

MARCH 19th - Severe compression

MARCH 20th - Prolonged severe compression, severe turbulence

MARCH 21st - Severe compression

MARCH 22nd - Two severe compressions

MARCH 23rd - Magnetic twist, severe compression 

MARCH 24th - Two severe compressions, severe turbulence

MARCH 26th - Four severe compressions, magnetic twist

MARCH 27th - Severe Compression

MARCH 28th - Severe turbulence

MARCH 29th - Severe compression

MARCH 30th - Two severe compressions, severe turbulence, deformed IMF

MARCH 31st - Severe turbulence, magnetic twist

APRIL 1st - Severe compression, deformed IMF

APRIL 2nd - Two severe compressions, magnetic twist

APRIL 3rd - Deformed IMF, severe turbulence

APRIL 4th - Magnetic twist, severe compression

APRIL 5th - Severe turbulence, deformed IMF

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