İrandaki Seçimler Hakkında - Kryon

olaylarla özdeşlemeden kısa duvarın arkasında kalarak...Yazının türkçesi için linke tıklayın

Kryon through Lee Carroll yazdı: ...The people of Iran are very wise. Many of them are young... younger than the average age of your civilization is. They don't have the number of older ones you do, so they think differently. And rather than being all radical and ready to vaporize themselves in some kind of final battle for their God, many are instead silently wondering how to bring their leadership into check, but still hold onto their faith. Many wish to create a situation that might bring them abundance and a more peaceful life within their region. Make no mistake. They are not allied with the west, or about to be. That is not their desire. They love their own lineage and their own prophet. But they wish to change the idea that they are all disposable martyrs, led by their older ones who seem to be ready to gamble and take them to the brink of destruction.

They have the kind of resources in that small land to bring wealth to almost every citizen there. Their wisdom, therefore, is that of the peacemaker and the industrialist. Their great prophet taught them UNITY, and yet their governors are seeking division at the highest level – and against the karmic lineage of the planet [Jews]. These citizens of Iran are viewing the foolishness of their leadership and there is much fear among them that they will lose their lives and their country... and they may be right if they do nothing. So here is the free choice again.

So I ask you, what is your reality? Is it the old paradigm of what might happen, or the new paradigm of what can happen? We have told you in the past that you hold in your hands the answers to all of this. The ones who teach doom and gloom are the ones who only see the old path, and don't believe it can be changed. To them, their prophecy is as good as any, for they can "see" this potential clearly, since it exists in the Akash. But so does the other, where a wiser Iran decides to play a major part in the Middle East that is not through terrorism, but rather through trade and financial strength.

China is the one who needs the oil... far more than the West will. Who do you think might then make up that difference? Will it be a country laid waste from a nuclear exchange because they decided to attack Israel, or will it be the new abundant Islamic Republic of Iran, strong supplier of resources to China?

Blessed is the one who weighs the practical with the spiritual, for they will have far more understanding of how things can turn around and eventually work for future generations. My foresight has not changed, and the major possibility in the energy of the Akash of Earth right now is that you will change this situation, just as you did the last one [Kryon talking about the collapse of the Soviet Union], with the same kind of miracles and energies that were seen then, and it won't take 50 years...

Kryon through Lee Carroll
yazdı: ...September 9, 2007, is when the Indigo Children of this earth get their "plan." We had to wait until there were enough of them, and there are so many now... more Indigo than not. Some of them are now young adults. You'll find them in far away places, too. There's a whole group of them in Iran. Did you know that? You haven't heard from them yet, but you will. September 9, 2007, is when they all get their plan. This "plan" is a universal delivery of energy to the new consciousness of children on the planet. As my partner said, this is not a "flash bulb" experience. It won't happen all at once. It is something that will gradually occur and you will see a shift in attitude. Some of you won't like it, but you'll know they're somehow organized.

Many will wonder what kind of energetic organization would cause such a thing and then you'll realize it is a consciousness shift and now they have their collective purpose. So the "organization" is that their "plan" is beginning to be intuitively felt by them. As in all these things, all of them have free choice and may do what they wish, but you will see a slow and collective movement of the young people of Earth to create some very unusual moves that will fly in the face of what you may feel is current wisdom or logic.

Don't be shocked and surprised if they tweak governments, set up things that seemingly are impossible, buck the systems, and throw out some sacred rules – because this is the only way The New Jerusalem can be created. The old paradigm must go. You'll find them in Palestine, Israel and you'll find them in Jordan and Syria. You'll find them in the Emirates and in Kuwait, and you'll find them in Iraq and Iran. I mention all of these places because they are the places that this congregation may think they couldn't exist. These are the places where the Indigos are going to make the biggest difference. We give you the date as the beginning of their plan. It is not when they will make the affect. But watch, for there will be things to see. There always are.


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