Christ Consciousness, The Energy of Love

Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
KIRAEL: Good evening.  We will be talking about Master Jesus and the Christ Consciousness.  I’d like to address many of the different situations where Master Jesus has been quoted or his language interpreted.  The Bible has attributed much to his beliefs, some of which have been misconstrued along the way.  I will do my best to clear up those misconceptions.  I don’t come here as a philosopher, or anything along those lines.  I come here as someone willing to share what I understand to be.
The Bible says that Master Jesus sits at the right hand of the God Creator.  That’s not so far off, my friends, because in order for you
to return your essence into the God Creator, you must pass through that energy known as the Christ Consciousness, which means that you must have completed all that you wanted to complete here on your Earth journey.  Now, the Earth journey is sometimes repetitive for some of you.  You do the journey repeatedly until you feel that you have accomplished what you wanted to.  The interesting thing about returning to the Creator through the Christ Consciousness and the Christ energy is that the Christ energy visited the Earth plane about 2000 years ago and it came here in the form of Master Jesus to show you how to be the Christ Consciousness on Earth.
Before the evening is over, we will be talking about many things, such as, what the aspects of the Master are, and so on and so forth.  I would like all who are seeking to heal to know that Master Jesus sees your healing process from the total picture.  Your healing is not just about the ailment within the embodiment, but it’s about the lesson plan and all that you’ve brought with you.  Master Jesus guides you through all that is the miracle of healing, yet it must be started within the self.
You must understand Master Jesus’ human side.  Master Jesus was frustrated with his journey because, as a healer, he could put his hand upon someone and create instantaneous healing.  He had the power of the mastery of light.  Wherever Master Jesus went, crowds of people begged for his touch, begged for a healing.  He came to the Earth not only to heal, but with a beautiful message as well.  His message was often lost in the noise of the crowd.
When he spoke, those in the back who couldn’t hear clearly shouted and pushed forward trying to get within his grasp.  Those in the front kneeled and bowed and groveled.  Pandemonium often broke out and Master Jesus was forced to leave the scene.  Even when he wasn’t forced to leave the scene, he was often so inundated by requests from people to be touched by him that he was unable to share his message. So, even in the Christ Consciousness that he was, he was frustrated that he couldn’t do all that he wanted to do.

All that I share with you this evening will show you the human side of the Master Jesus Christ, for he, like you, had a process and programs and lesson plans to work through.  The fortunate thing is that he began the healing of the Earth plane.  He created a time and space known as the Shift.  It is the Shift that you are about to see here on your Earth plane now.  The only reason it was delayed is because the mass consciousness was not raised to the point where it was prepared to deal with it.  It will be now, my friends.  There is no doubt. greatshift

Q:  Did Christ have children and if he did, what were their names; and if he didn’t have children, how is it that some people have Christ DNA?

KIRAEL:  That’s a fabulous question.  I need to differentiate between Jesus the man and the Christ Consciousness.  If we are talking about the young man in your Bible, the young man who lived into his 30s, then you must be clear that that particular embodiment did not sire children.  He did not bring children onto the Earth plane.  Now, upon his release from that embodiment after the crucifixion, he was resurrected, at which point that energy, the Christ Consciousness, returned unto the God Creator.
Aspects of that Christ Consciousness have since been to the Earth plane and are currently on the Earth plane.  There are aspects of the Master Jesus on the Earth plane now.  That means that you have Christ Consciousness embedded in human bodies at this particular time.  They, in fact, have had children; therefore, there is a replication of the DNA.  Yet, to be candid with you, my friend, no DNA of the Master Jesus was replicated here in the particular lifetime that he walked the Earth plane.
So much emphasis was put on that one embodiment.  Master Jesus was the teacher for all mankind.  He was the one who everybody suggested was the only Christ, and that is truth.  Many ask if Master Jesus will return to the Earth plane.  Master Jesus has never left your Earth plane.  He may not be here walking around in a third-dimensional body, but he has never left your consciousness— and be very clear that you have never left his.
Those who have done things that are not of the light have been told that they have been separated from the Master Jesus.  That, my friend, is also misguided information.  Neither Master Jesus nor your Creator sits in judgment of you.  This is a format of religion put into perspective by a young fellow named Paul.  I do not intend to mollycoddle or soft-sell this session.  I intend to be blatant about  all that I say tonight.
Those who struggle with what I have to say are not right or wrong. They are simply wedded to their belief system.  Those who get something from what I have to say are looking to in-lighten further than they have in the past.

Q:  All four Gospels record an event in which, while in Jerusalem, Jesus went into the “Temple” and angrily cleared out the moneychangers and merchants from the Temple (Matthew 21:12).  What is the truth about Master Jesus’ visit to the temple?
KIRAEL:  Master Jesus was one of the highest energies to ever visit your Earth plane in the form of a human body and he had human experiences, but they were prior to his baptism.  In his experience in the temple, Jesus was expressing his frustration in trying to get his message to the populous, which was unwilling to listen.  I mean that emphatically.  The people weren’t ready to hear his message at that particular time, and that posed many different situations that Jesus had to experience through trial and error.  The temples were the synagogues and such, where he was refused the space to speak.  He made his speeches on the steps of these places, and drew massive crowds.
When you think of a massive crowd, you think of hundreds of thousands of people gathering.  Well, there weren’t that many people in the particular vicinity, yet there were times when he drew crowds in the thousands.  Unheard-of situations took place and they are not well represented in a lot of your written history.  In this particular incident, Jesus has been portrayed as speaking angrily or showing displeasure.  This was not so.  He stood before the masses and said, “Please, at least listen to my words, for if you listen, it matters not whether you should carry them forth, for they will resonate when you are ready to hear them.”  That has been his message all along.  It is my message as well.  We don’t come here intending to make a big difference in your life.  We come here to share our message with you. Once we share those messages, it is up to you to interpret them.

If we remember the Master’s words, then we will understand that his teaching was cut short because of the inability of the human population to expand its thought process to look beyond the focus of its vision, and to understand that the world was comprised of a much larger variation of situations in that particular time.
Q:  Who were Jesus’ most valued advisors?
KIRAEL:  Mary Magdalene was one of the closest confidants that Master Jesus had.  Mary Magdalene has been accused of many things in her time.  She was said to be a “lady of the evening,” one who steals, and so on and so forth.  Whatever Mary did prior to meeting Master Jesus is irrelevant.  In your Earth dimension, so many people are held accountable for what they did in the past rather than for what they do in the now.  This is something that should be looked at by the  populous.  Maybe we can release what happened in the past and be more  in tune with what’s going on in the now.  Some think that won’t work, because they believe that the past will determine the future.  Well, that may or may not always be the truth, my friends.  People often shift their energy and you have no idea who they actually were, let alone who you accuse them of being.
Da Vinci’s painting The Last Supper shows the males sitting at the table, indulging themselves in a wide variety of foods and things. Had Da Vinci turned around 180 degrees, he would have painted another picture because he would have seen another table filled with the female energy, all except Mary Magdalene, who was to his right.  The female energy was so important to the Christ Consciousness.  Master Jesus understood that the female energy was as important as the male energy and that he could gain counsel from them.  For instance, the young Martha, Mother Mary’s sister, had a major influence on the Master Jesus.  Mother Mary was a very domineering mother; and I don't mean to be discourteous, because she was a beautiful lady in the long run.  In Master Jesus’ earlier years—when he was five, six, ten, twelve —Mother Mary was obsessed with protecting him.
One time, he slipped and fell in the garden and skinned his knee a wee bit.  Oh, my gracious, Mary almost lost control.  She followed him around, doting over him at all times.  One of the highlights of Jesus’ young life was when he was sent into the countryside to visit with his  aunt Martha or one of his uncles.  He was glad to be away from his mother’s doting.  He had great love for Martha, a love beyond words.
Let’s go back to the love he shared with Mary Magdalene.  The story goes that Mary Magdalene was in love with Master Jesus.  Well, my friends, after Master Jesus’ baptism, if you were in his presence, you couldn’t help but fall in love with him.  He emanated light and love that could be felt yards in front of him.  You didn’t have to stand right next to him to feel that light.  If you were in the vicinity and your eyes connected to his, you felt his love and the power that emanated from him.  It was not power in terms of win or lose.  Rather, it was the power that comes from total freedom of love, and everybody felt that.
So, yes, Mary Magdalene definitely could be accused of being in love with Master Jesus, but the truth is that she was in love with what Master Jesus represented, the light and the courage and the love and the power of the Creator-God.  There were many people who were very powerful in Master Jesus’ life.  All you hear about are his disciples and those who traveled with him, but, believe me, they are only a small representation of the people who affected his life.
The stories about Master Jesus could fill a two-hour program.  There were times when he experienced being poor, times when he experienced being rich, times when he experienced being sad, times when he experienced being elated beyond his wildest expectations, times when he experienced being in love with what he had come here to do, and times when he doubted his own essence.  He was as human as everyone sitting in this audience, yet he came with a special energy about him.  He came with the Light Masters in tow, and he had access directly into the Creator.  It is said that when he looked into the skies upon his demise, he said, “Oh, Father, why have thou forsaken me?”  That is not exactly as it took place.
I am not trying to discredit anything.  I just want to remind you that the Bible, as you recognize it, is a beautiful book, yet, my friends, like every other book of ancient history, it was passed down from one generation to the next, and in the early years it was passed on in the oral tradition.  Each person listening to me will come away with a different version of what I say.  If that is the case, then why would it have been any different back then?  When Master Jesus’ words were finally put onto parchment, there were stories that might have been told a little differently, given the opportunity.

Q: I assume that when Master Jesus came to the Earth plane, he came with a veil, the ego.  When he was baptized, what happened to the ego?
KIRAEL:  Master Jesus did not come into the Earth plane with a veil. Nobody comes to the Earth plane with a veil.  You create the veil after you get here.  That’s how you teach your children, by showing them how to put on a veil.  Jesus created a veil.  It was never of great thickness.  He always moved well within the veil, yet it was there.  Upon his baptism, the veil was removed.  He no longer had an ego to deal with, as you do in this day and age.
He had an angel who took the presence of his ego.  That angel stayed with him from there forward until the time he departed the Earth plane in spirit.  So, the ego, or the veil, was no longer a part of his reality.  From the baptism forward, he became the emanation of love incarnate.  So, when you talk of egos, yes, he did create an ego that was present for some time.  Jesus’ ego was released at his baptism, which was a magical space.
There are those who struggle with this word God.  If you are one who struggles with the word God, just replace the word with the word Love and you will understand what this is all about.  When the skies opened during one of the few times on Earth that the God energy boomed its voice down into the Earth plane, the veil of every individual present in that space was brought down for a moment’s time.  The veil has never been lowered as much as it was at that time.  Even with the veils lowered, people were still willing to put them back on almost immediately, out of fear.
Q:  Is the story of Jesus the same all over the world?  Is the message the same and did Jesus himself carry the message?
KIRAEL:  In the first place, the Christ Consciousness was embodied into a human formation called Master Jesus.  Master Jesus was the energy that resulted from that embodiment.  Other worlds are definitely aware of the Christ Consciousness.  Not all of the worlds experienced it the way your Earth plane did, but yet, all worlds with evolutionary systems upon them, including your galactic brothers and sisters, have seen a semblance of the Christ Consciousness.
The Christ Consciousness permeates every living evolutionary possibility within your reality, which is not just your Earth but all other evolutionary planetary systems or dimensions.
The evolutionary process starts out here on this level.  You are moving through this process called human evolution.  When you have done all you need to do to evolve as human, you will have learned everything there is to learn about the four-body system—the emotional, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.  You then move into the Angelic reality.  Once you have gone through the angelic stage, and you have learned what you wanted to learn from the Angelic reality, you can move into the Guidance realm. Now, the Guidance realm is not higher than the Angelic realm.  The realms are not linear.  After you’ve learned the Guidance realm, you are eligible to move into what we call the Light Masters, then into the Christ Consciousness, and then into God.  It is a fascinating journey, my friends.
One enters into the reality of evolution, or the consciousness of evolution, so that one may evolve and return into the God Creator’s Light.  The Christ Consciousness is the last element that one processes through, which means that you have learned to understand what the Master Jesus was all about.  You have learned the beauty and wisdom that he brought forth onto your Earth plane.  You have learned  not to judge.  You don’t look at life as good or bad or could have been better or could have been worse.  You look to it as the beauty of All That Is.  Life is always about beauty and love.
Q:  What is the function of virtue in the Shift?
KIRAEL:  The function of virtue, to me, is learning the reality of love and the lack of judgment, and learning peace and harmony throughout your existence.  When one has virtue, one is in the space where one no longer looks at another as less than or more than.  When one operates from virtue, one operates in the form of the purity of love.  You no longer act as a judge.  You align with love.  In that alignment, I believe you can say that one has attained virtue.  Love is something for which all evolution strives; not just your human element, but all elements strive to align with love.
For more information from Master Guide Kirael and Kahu Fred Sterling on love and the Great Shift, please listen to the audio recording of “The Great Shift: Now That We Know, What Do We Do” .

Q:  When Jesus said, “You must be born again,” was he referring to reincarnation?
KIRAEL:  When we speak of reincarnation, people take sides.  You have the believers and the non-believers.  I will step over that proverbial line so that you don’t have to choose.
When he spoke of living again, Jesus meant—whether you call it reincarnation or evolution or whatever—that you have many opportunities to come into this evolutionary process and learn everything perfectly.  If you are not satisfied with the way you learned in one lifetime, you are most assuredly allowed another.
Now, like the Master Jesus, some of you may choose to no longer evolve on Earth and you may take on a different vibrational pattern.
Q:  What did Jesus mean when he said, “Enter ye in at the straight  gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there because straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth onto life; few there be that find it”?
KIRAEL:  He was talking about the Shift.  When he said narrow is the path, he meant that the path is narrow, my friend, because it brings you into focus.  When you speak of focus, you are speaking of narrow, in most cases, not narrow in linear thought, but narrow in your understanding of reality.  Yes, the gate is there in front of you. Yes, the path to the gate is straight because the path leaves no space in linear time to falter from it.  Yes, it is a path of light that is brighter than all paths you could ever understand.  When we speak about returning into the Creation of God, we're talking about coming back in the purest form, having experienced every possibility out there.
The statement is attributed to him and it was of him and by him.  You may shout that phrase from the rooftops because it gives us a general view of just how beautiful this path can be.  When Jesus said, “Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction,” he was speaking of sin, or evil, or whatever it is that you called it at the particular time. Whenever anyone is in this space of being sin, he or she has lost love.  Once you have found it again, sin is no longer a part of it.
Q:  In the Roman Catholic Church nuns and priests are considered married to God.  Did Christ say that these people must be chaste?
KIRAEL:  This process called marriage under the Creator, or married to God, if you will, is a beautiful process, but, to be quite candid with you, my friend, a marriage to God is, again, part of the evolutionary product of your attainment of God-Creator.  Abstinence was not offered by Master Jesus or the God Creator.  It was a plan offered, if you will, by the overall plan of evolution.  It was a point that was in part put together by your religious factions.  I don't mean to sound anti-religious.  Religion has played and will continue to play a beautiful part here on your Earth plane.
One of your religions has somewhere around two billion followers. With such numbers comes power.  When you have that type of power, you will protect it in any fashion you see fit.
Some of Master Jesus’ followers went in different directions, so to speak.  The Bible speaks of Paul, who was business-oriented and knew that Master Jesus’ teachings needed to be aligned in such fashion that they would not be misconstrued.  Paul’s efforts birthed, so to speak, your modern day religions.  He aligned Master Jesus’ teaching in such a fashion to create a space where those in power, the Greeks and the Romans, had some control over what was taught.  Had the Greeks and Romans not been given such an opportunity, all the Master’s teaching would have been lost.  Formalized religion took precedence over all else and that has never changed.
So, when we talk about those who are said to be married to God, I believe that, in their best light, they are, in fact, married to the Creator-God.
Q: Will you please speak about innocence?
KIRAEL:  I believe that innocence is something that a lot more people could venture into.  Innocence, my friend, is knowing the self, which is the purest part of you.  Innocence is going within the self to see that you have the same beauty and evolutionary function as everyone else.   Innocence is recognizing that you are all brothers and sisters.  The reality of innocence is the process of entering into an “ego-less” space.  In other words, when you find innocence, you find yourself without ego.  That is the best way I might define it.
Q: If we continue on our evolutionary path and reach a certain level of innocence and love, will we be back in the light?  Why is it we can’t see each other’s light?
KIRAEL:  If you get nothing else from me, get this:  You have never been out of the light, my friend.  You mask your light; you dissuade yourself from believing that you are light; you color your light; you do many things to pretend that you’re out of light, but you have never been out of it.
Master Jesus emanated light wherever he went.  Every time that you leave this dimension—not die; we don’t like to use that word—to enter into the reality of what you refer to as home, this so-called light show is yours for the understanding.
It will make its presence here on the Earth plane.  Over here on the Earth plane, you become so intent on your five senses that unless something fits within those senses, you believe it has no reality. You know that old riddle:  If a tree fell in the woods and nobody was there, would it still make a noise?  I have the answer.
If the tree fell within the woods and you were not there, there would be no sound.  What you call a sound is really a vibration.  In order  for that vibration to turn into sound, it has to have a receiver, meaning the ear of a human being or an animal, that would create that vibration and turn it into what you now refer to as sound.  The light of Master Jesus is a vibration.  It cannot be seen, yet we know it is here.  You have to attune yourself to these vibrations.  In that way, you will hear the tree fall in the woods and you will see the light of Master Jesus.
Q: When Master Jesus did healings and touched the people, did he amplify the light of the Creator within the person?
KIRAEL:  I can say yes and that would be the entire answer, but I will elaborate a bit, if you will allow that.  Most assuredly, that is all that has ever been done in any healing.  When Master Jesus, being the healer of healers, touched someone, he ignited the conscious understanding that each is made up of God’s energy.
When me medium enters the healing room, he has the courage to awaken the power within you.  He awakens your own God energy to commit to your own healing.  When he lays his hands upon you, he awakens the understanding that you are made of God energy.  The conduit of the Christ Consciousness is the awakening factor.  So, in his healings, me medium calls upon all the energy of Master Jesus, the God-Creator, and the Holy Spirit, to make the healing occur.  Guess what Master Jesus called upon when he did his healings?  He called upon his own powers, the power of the Holy Spirit, and that of the God Conscious reality to awaken within the individual, and the healing prevailed.

Q: Why is baptism considered a powerful movement of energy?
KIRAEL:  Baptism is the most powerful movement of energy, my friend, because water is used in this ritual.  Water has always been represented in your dimension, your understanding, as spiritual, and if it’s not, it should be.  The Earth plane was conceived in the purity of water.  Your highest beings—the largest-brained mammals in existence—still live within the water.  A lot of your higher essences have returned to the water.  Water is that which connects you to your Creator, for, without water, there would be no human existence.
You could eradicate the vast majority of all else on this planet and bring water to the forefront and you would know that spirituality is aligned within the water.  When you move into the new Shift, you will know that water is not what you represent it to be today.  Water will take on a whole new property and its use will be honored at all times.  You won’t waste it, or pour things into it.  I promise you
Q:  What is the benefit of being baptized by water?
KIRAEL:  On a spiritual level, baptism with holy water purified in the Creator’s name, in the manner me medium performs the ritual, opens another channel of understanding, a new awareness that will make your evolutionary process simpler.  You can most assuredly return to the God-Creator without having this baptism, my friend.  However, when one is empowered enough to understand the reality of All That Is, then one knows the I Am Presence, one knows that he is already God incarnate and has chosen to be a disciple of this so-called energy and may master the Earth’s process in the form of the lesson plan.  That, my friend, is what you need to recall.
Q:  I know that the Christ Consciousness will return.  I know that to be so.  Could you expound on the Christ Consciousness that will return to the Earth plane?
KIRAEL:  The Christ Consciousness has never left your Earth plane. During the crucifixion, Christ returned unto the God-Creator and you were “Christ-less” for a few days or a few hours, but, beyond that, he has never left your level of consciousness.
Will the Christ come again?  It is in the process of emanating itself into a higher reality or a vibration.  In your case, we will have to reverse that statement and say that the Christ is lowering its vibration to a point where you may experience it on a higher level. So, yes, there is a second coming; it is in the process as we speak. The better question to ask is how might one relate to this coming? Each of you will recognize Christ from your own understanding.  To those who do not believe that the Christ existed, when you return home, you may have a wee bit of a smile on your face when in the presence of the Christ, especially when you have to explain that you were just kidding.  The Christ will not stand in judgment of you.  It
will honor you for your beliefs, for the Christ is love and it will love you for whatever you have done or even thought about doing.  Understand that if you open your process of thought to the possibility that things may have happened differently from how you believe, then  you will awaken to the Christ Consciousness.
So, my friend, you are already in the Christ Consciousness.  When you used that statement—I know it to be so—and it came from your heart, not your ego, you are already experiencing Christ Consciousness. Every time you experience that Christ Consciousness, your heart fills with more love.  Eventually, the love will overtake your life and you will find yourself bathed in the Christ Consciousness.
Q:  People who show the stigmata on their bodies seem to suffer for their spirituality.  Are we meant to suffer in order to be spiritual?
KIRAEL:  No one is meant to suffer other than by choice.  Now, that creates a bit of controversy and people get upset when I say things like that, but it is truth.  Those who were supposedly marked by the Christ, or by the evolution of the Christ, and have suffered for it, have suffered only in their inability to understand the beauty that has taken place in their lives.  They are in the evolutionary process and still maintain an ego.  The ego hinders their understanding of the beauty of what’s happened to them, and so they suffer.
The mindset that needs to be broken down here on the Earth plane is the one that convinces you that the Christ energy can be reached only through an intermediary, that it is so far removed from human evolution that it’s not real.  Another mindset that needs to be broken down is that you need to hold on to all the religious dogma you have learned from infancy.
Come to the clarity that you can accept Master Jesus from whatever level you are capable.  You need only understand that God is the Creator, and you will find perfection.  When you know this, or understand this, you are automatically placed in the evolutionary track to receive the next level of consciousness.  There is no end to your knowingness.  You can complete this knowingness without any question whatsoever.  You need only understand that this is a journey, my friends.
You have honored yourself with this evolutionary journey through the Earth plane.  Each of you who has asked me a question did so, knowing that somewhere in the depths of your own understanding, your own knowingness, you already had the answer.  Some of you needed confirmation and some of you needed to realize your own beauty.  That beauty is the understanding that the Master Jesus was and is the light that connects you to the Creator.  That light will never go out, my friends.  That is the light of lights.  It is the beauty and the essence that you may follow.
Thank you for being here with me this night.  Yes, the savior is yours.  Let the Christ Consciousness prevail.

Good evening.

For more information from Master Guide Kirael and Kahu Fred Sterling on Mary Magdalene, please listen to the audio recording “Mary Magdalene: What the Da Vinci Code Did Not Tell You!”
For more information on healing, please see “Kirael: The Genesis Matrix ” by Fred Sterling, 2001, Lightways Publishing and “Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift, by Fred Sterling, 2006, Lightways Publishing


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