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Wynn:  Hey everybody, everybody listening on BBS and everybody on our phone line, this is Wynn Free in Sedona. Those of you that are checking in for the first time, you are in the middle of an experiment and it has to do with, are there voices talking to us that created the Universe? Can they make themselves known to you in a way that you can feel it? In a way that’s uplifting?
They say they can and I get numerous emails from people who can feel energies on the line. While you’re on this line you may notice and I’ll tell you how it feels; at least, it’s different for everybody. I don’t want to say this is how it’s going to feel for you.
For many people it’s not like a stranger coming in. It’s an energy; you know how you walk into a room and there’s good vibes and you can feel the energy in the room and suddenly you shift? It’s kind of like that, except you’re on a conference line; you’re not walking into a room. There’s nothing in your physical proximity like another human, that’s bringing energy in.
When you walk into a room and there’s something going on, you’re around other humans who all have energy and when they have good energy, some of you can feel the energy; many of you can feel that. When they don’t have good energy you can say its bad vibes.
What’s happening is; people keep coming back to these calls. Sometimes this really, really profound information comes in, but most of all there’s an energy that helps lift your spirits. The energy comes in, not because of anything I do and not because anything you do, except to be neutral; you don’t have to try. Just be relaxed; be in a quiet place and that doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you’re going to feel it, but many people do.
The people that feel it the fastest are those people who our Sources would identify as star seeds or Wanderers, that is, people who actually were in other dimensions, graduated this realm, came into this realm to be of service and, invariably, they got lost. 90% of them get lost; they go into the reality systems here.
Inside themselves, they have a tuning-fork that is very much connected to the higher realms and when they come into these calls, their tuning fork starts to vibrate because it’s got a resonance with the energy. Those are the people that get the most immediate reaction.
Everybody can get the reaction; it’s not limited to anybody. But if you’re having lots of trauma inside yourself, if you’re in pain, if you have un-worked-out karma, your circuits might be a little bit clouded, fogged, so it’s hard to feel the energy. We do talk about those things and we do look for keys to help clear those things. Many people, after they’re on the line for a couple of months or a couple of weeks, suddenly get it; they open up.
Consider it your personal experiment. I’m only a reporter here; I’m sitting in the middle of it. I’m telling you, if you’ve read my book, which I hope you have and by the way, reading the material helps open you up—read the materials; they say their energy is in their words.
Read the Creator Gods book which we give away for free; reading The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, reading the Ra material from Carla Rueckert, llresearch.org, it all starts to help tune you in and you learn how to fit into this physical realm in a different way, a different perspective, instead of that part of you that’s saying, “What am I doing? Where’s the money? What am I going to do? What am I supposed to do? What’s my role?”
Your first role, if you’re looking for a role, has to do with tuning. Tuning, getting your tuning fork vibrating in resonance with the frequencies of the higher realms. Then you automatically start being of service, because you’re lifting the vibration around you.


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