Ölen biri ile halledemediğiniz sorunlar için hellaleşmek isterseniz şuna bir bakın - Ra an

Wynn:  Okay. “I would like to ask about how to get unresolved answers from a departed loved one.”  I suppose, this is Wynn speaking, inserting:  Many people, when someone passes, they have a level of incompleteness with that person. They want to feel complete. That person no longer has a body to help them communicate with. This is Sherry again:

“I know for me, it has kept me blocked in ways that are not good for any of us. I feel such an emptiness and so much confusion and lots of guilt as well.  I would like to know how to get what I need to move on and know that he is at peace. Thank you.”

Ra’An:  Thank you.

Often, when someone passes and there are unresolved issues, unresolved communication and guilt involved, that is not just with the person that is left on the third density side. It is also left with the person who has transitioned to the other side. Very often the person will keep checking in, in the hopes that they can be seen, noticed or communicated with. They may be desperately trying to communicate to resolve those things, as Sherry has one half of the communication and the departed person has the other half of the communication.

What we would suggest is for you to know that the person is really just transitioned; he is just without the body or the mechanism of the body at that time, but still is there, is still functioning, is still intelligent, is still able to communicate, but does not have the voice box and is able to telepathically communicate and also wishes to resolve these things with you, but does not and is at a loss of how to go about it, just as you are, because there is not that communication.

What we would suggest is that you take a paper and a pen and write down those specific things, starting with the most important. Or, it doesn’t even have to be in order. It can be the least important, even, that you would like to resolve. It can be a specific matter as to where the certain information might be about something and how to handle another certain thing.

Write down your questions and get a picture of the person and direct them to the picture. Often when you have a picture, it has the anchor-points of the person; direct them to the picture and read, say, one of your questions that you want to resolve or something you wish to communicate, something you wish to resolve.

Then, put the picture aside and imagine the person. Direct it to the imagination of the person. Pretend, think, make a picture in your mind of the person and address him with that and just work with things that can be resolved without getting critical, so that you can establish rapport, even on a little minor thing, to establish rapport. The other person from the other side you may feel right now; the person, the vibration of that person, you may feel that vibration of that person. You may have a certain smell of that person.

You, then, can direct it. If you get good enough at this, you may be able to establish telepathic communication with that person. It will help resolve things for him as well as yourself.

That is our answer.


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