Ascending into the New Earth - English

by Linda Johnson
2nd December, 2006

When most people think about the 'New Earth' or the 'golden age' to come, they envisage it as some kind of miracle that will 'just happen' around them. Suddenly all the bad stuff will stop and we'll all start loving each other, all will be well in the world and we can just kick back and enjoy it.

Unfortunately it's not that simple. We had a test run in the 60's when young people were initially enthused about living with nature and sharing with each other, but as the ingrained human personalities took over and politics crept in, it was no longer any fun. Most left the communes and went reluctantly back to the world of their parents to go to university and get real jobs.

Ultimately, the vibrational support was not yet there to sustain the change that the hippies of the 60's sought, but the seed was sown. Many of the hippies of the 60's are teachers, spiritual practitioners and environmentalists now, helping to anchor change from within our existing society. They retire to simpler lives away from the cities. They produced a wealth of information on alternative farming, arts and crafts, natural housing construction and backyard food production that we are able to use and build on now when we need it.

Around the late eighties, the consciousness of Earth started to awaken in earnest, and began to move from the bottom of long cycle of descent into dense vibrations, and to move back up in vibration towards her source. This is the 'ascension' of earth.

The other kingdoms on earth also began to ascend - elementals, minerals, plants and animals. As all must ascend together, they and many non-physical beings have been helping to awaken the humans and have them ascend in vibration. This has proved to be a hard and complicated job so far, as humans are disconnected from the other kingdoms and don't feel part of the natural world.

This has to do with our genetic heritage. Humans are not descended from animals, but seeded from other star systems, as are many of the animals and plants now thriving here. On Earth, there were initially red (native) seeded races who had a high vibrational rate and lived quite harmoniously with nature. Not all of the races were suited to this environment but many survived and thrived. These red races had fully activated DNA, which gave them a very high vibrational rate and they were able to ascend bodily in and out of a creation at will.

Some time later a white skinned family from the Pleiadies (the Annanuki or Anu) came to mine minerals and ended up causing quite a few problems for Earth and her inhabitants. They produced workers with less activated DNA and therefore a lesser vibrational rate and a lesser lifespan. This was fine for work but these people were never able to ascend out of this creation like their bosses who became regarded as Gods, especially since they also employed life extension practices.

As the Anu family fell out and began warring on each other they damaged the Earth and her vibration with nuclear weapons, causing great deserts that still exist. They also bred another strain of human as a soldier that would follow orders and was devoid of feeling. This human had a lesser vibrational rate than the workers, less activated DNA and an even shorter lifespan.

The cloned humans were bred with pre-set personality and body holograms which gave them fairly predictable traits. These have become known to us as the various astrology signs. A good astrologer can predict personality type based on these pre-sets.

The cloned humans bred and spread by themselves over the world and also changed the genetics and holograms of the red races, who also learned to become war-like as their vibration dropped. Subsequent nuclear wars of the various civilizations further damaged the DNA of humans, as well as all the other kingdoms, lowering the vibration of all and shortening lifespans further. By the time our current recorded history starts we had been reduced to subsistence farming, hunter/gathering and eating the animal kingdoms to maintain enough chi.

Just because it looks like we have made a lot of technological progress in the last few thousand years, doesn't mean we are the pinnacle of human civilization. We are currently on a small cycle - one of many civilizations that have risen and fallen at an ever decreasing vibrational rate. We are just re-making things our Pleiadian ancestors already made, tapping into the genetic memory. The technology takes the place of our lack of communion with the natural world.

Our DNA has been reduced to two active strands and most of our DNA is regarded as 'junk'. Our lifespan is a fraction of what our ancestors knew, as our bodies can no longer sustain the chi to live. Our physical bodies eventually die and a lot of chi is used to maintain a non-physical afterlife rather than ascending up the dimensions like our ancestors did. Gathering and re-learning what our ancestors knew is part of the ascension process.

It is important to understand that the new Earth is not just going to appear around the existing human populace without the need for us to change. The new Earth, or rather the new consensus reality of the ascending Earth is already anchoring around us, coexisting in the same space as the old Earth consensus. Which consensus you experience is determined by your own vibration. If you have increased it enough, you will already be experiencing a different reality than you would have, had you remained at a low vibrational level.

The higher your vibrational rate, the more choices become available to you. The pre-set traits you were born with start to move and come into balance bringing new experiences into your life to learn from. Eventually you rise into a new bandwidth of Ascending Astrology that has now been anchored to the new Earth consensus. As people ascend into their new signs they start to follow their soul purpose and new opportunities arise.

For the last 20 years or so children started coming into the world at a higher vibrational rate. The initial ones were known as Indigo children, then later ones Crystal children. As the way is cleared, more and more children are now coming in at higher and higher vibrational rates, born straight into their new ascending astrology holograms. This means that these future leaders of our society in the new Earth consensus are working with soul and Earth right from the start. They are not operating from the low vibrational rates of the older humans who contend with war, greed, poverty and inequality in the old consensus.

Eventually the old consensus will dissolve as the new one fully manifests. Those humans unable to increase in vibration enough to exist in the new consensus will die off in this life, but their consciousness will live on with their ancestors and descendants. Due to the large amount of work to be done and the difficulty changing the existing adults, ascension will be generational, with each generation keeping pace with the current vibration of the Earth.

The nature kingdoms are also ascending. Much of what we know of as global warming is the heat generated by Earth as she increases her vibration - however, we can still stop polluting her! Some of the species on Earth were not originally from our creation and they will go extinct in this realm as Earth ascends, but will continue to live and ascend on their own home planets, where their consciousness will return to. So nothing is really lost, everything is just gathered up and sent back where it belongs as part of the ascension process.

So, how do we current humans increase our vibration to reach the new Earth consensus? Our DNA contains the memories and information, physically and holographically, from all the ancestors that have gone before us. It also contains the karmic patterns that are perpetuated through each generation, anchored at each vibrational level that the ancestors lived at.

Until recently, the only way to increase vibration was by inflating the field, taking energy from others, which is what many gurus have done in the past - but this way of ascending is no longer viable. One must now 'master' their own vibration at each level.

As the Earth and the natural kingdoms rise in vibration, humanity has been triggered to also rise to a certain degree unconsciously. There are those working with Earth behind the scenes, physically and non-physically, making and testing a map for humans to ascend along. It had to be safe enough that those ascending unconsciously would not ascend into thoughtforms of violence and war that were still in their fields and increase this. A small increase of this kind in a large population could be disasterous. That is why a map is in place that is tried and tested before making it available in sections to humanity at large. To follow it, all you have to do is 'intend to ascend'. Say it each day as part of your meditations or affirmations.

You now have the support available to change the world that our parents did not have in the 60's. When you 'intend to ascend' you will anchor an updated blueprint from your ancestors for your body to start growing into. This is where an understanding of our ancestral roots helps. In order to anchor a blueprint from your ancestors who lived at a higher vibration, you don't want to anchor information from ancestors who were bred as unfeeling mercenary soldiers and ascend into that. Also, these lineages are dead ends as they were originally laboratory bred.

You have many ancestral lineages that come together to make up your current genetic package. It is these lineages that you pull information from to ascend. Those who feel really drawn to ascension usually have some native red lineages available. Even though you may be white in this life, through thousands of generations interbreeding of humans has made most people related to most others. If you have at least one red lineage as part of your genetic package, use this to gather your information from as these humans were originally able to ascend out of this creation.

You may work back through your lineages in your meditations releasing karmic patterns from the white/Anu ancestors but you don't want to get your ascending genetic information from these as they are incomplete. These white ancestors go back through Egypt, Atlantis, and the Greek Gods. Use any interest in these topics to help release karmic patterns from this time period and lineages.

Ascension is a physical process. The physical body is the lowest vibration of the multidimensional being that you are. ALL of you must ascend - the physical and non-physical alike. Therefore many of the changes that are triggered will start altering the physical body, as well as life in the physical as your vibration increases.

As you start to rise in vibration, you start to alter the 'pre-set traits' you were born with and new experiences start to happen to let you experience other aspects of life to help bring you into a state of balance - eventually - but it can be a bumpy ride sometimes! Everything must be dealt with at each phase, then new vibrational tones called the Language of Light anchor in the field and build the ascending lightbody and the vibration increases. This is what determines what stage of ascension you are at, not man-made tests.

What happens when your vibration rises slightly? You hit a bandwidth of vibration that your ancestors lived within holding karmic patterns and experiences that you will feel, but you can intend that the experiences move through you and release rather than having to re-live everything. You can intend to bring together all ancestors who experienced each side of a conflict or situation so that they may cancel each other out and release the karma.

Along with all the new dramas both in the physical and non-physical, new life potentials open up to you and as your vibration reaches the new Earth consensus, the dreams you anchor for your future become compatible with Earth and receive extra impetus. As you manifest enough for your needs, so there will be enough for everybody else in the new consensus as nobody will have great wealth or poverty. Through working on your ascending dream you will always have enough and enjoy the life you live.

As you ascend, you will find yourself releasing the things from your life that are holding you back - it may be a relationship that no longer serves, too many possessions, a job you hate. You may feel the low vibration of the city and surrounding people pressing on your increasing field and want to move out to the country, the mountains or the sea where the vibration is much higher. Just go with the flow and follow the guidance of your Higher Self.

Work to anchor your field to the Earth and to your own Higher Self, where you can feel safe and part of the increasing vibration. Release the need to worship or follow others, including the many non-physical beings that previously broadcast messages to humanity - this is the way things were done in the old consensus. These beings are undergoing their own ascensions now. If you are in need of guidance, work with the Earth, the nature kingdoms and your own Higher Self who are all ascending.

When you reach the point where you can anchor your field in the new Earth consensus, you do so as a sovereign (self-contained) being, separate but equal to all of the others, not a follower in a hierarchy. Your experiences help build your own core of truth - an ever evolving and growing inner knowledge that is not limited by the dogma of others, as it was in the old consensus.

You will not immediately notice the difference in the new consensus because your vibration has reached a level where it all looks 'normal'. Two people side by side of different vibrational rates can be perceiving the two different worlds. At this stage is is more an inner knowing of the direction the world is going in, rather than seeing distinct physical differences. My world is one where I don't live in fear of the future like my neighbours who are coexisting in the same space but living in the old consensus where they perceive the world is going to hell.

The karma that is being played out in many parts of the world is part of the final release, so that future generations no longer bring through this karma. As the new world starts to anchor more in the physical, the new generations of children who inhabit it will look for peaceful solutions, more equity in business, ways to relieve hunger and poverty, renewable energy and the like. It has already started!

The New Earth is already upon us. It may be hard to perceive if you have not worked to increase your vibrational level, but if you put in the effort you will start to feel it and more importantly LIVE IT!


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