Los Angeles'ta meydana gelen doğal gaz sızıntısı

Burada paylaşılan youtube videolarını izleyin. Bu kaydı paylaşmamızdan maksat zetalar bunun benzerinin Irakta 8/10 fazında yaşanma potansiyelinden bahsediyor. Eğer böyle bir şey olursa orayı zor günler bekliyor demektir. Tabi burada bir başka maksat dünya ana kendi frameworkünü güncelliyor. Kendine hizmet etmeyenlerden kurtuluyor.

In case you haven't been tracking this, there's been, what appears to be, a very dangerous methane gas leak in the Porter Ranch area, immediately north of Los Angeles. It occurred at a gas well owned by Southern California Gas Company.

As most of you know, you can't trust the news reports on these kinds of things. The dangers are always downplayed. But "thousands of households have been relocated after residents complained of ailments they believe are linked to the natural gas leak at the utility’s Aliso Canyon facility."

And there have been a number of internet/youtube posts on various dangers linked to this leak:

*Radiation was also leaking at dangerous levels

*Formaldyhyde was being formed

*And a match lit in the wrong place would create a huge explosion
And today Thursday, Feb 11, something shifted!!
The leak was temporarily capped;


Interestingly enough, we asked our Sources to help with this situation on our conference call yesterday and they said they would help. I'm not taking credit for this. It could just be coincidence, but we've had so many things shift (including personal healings for people on the calls) after we've put them in the light that I know it could be possible.

Please check out our calls, particularly Sunday morning. Schedule is atwww.conference.intelligent-infinity.com. There's an amazing, uplifting energy on the line that participants all over the planet can feel. 


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